FASD NICE Quality Standards Statement 1: Pregnant women are given advice throughout pregnancy not to drink alcohol.
The DRYMESTER campaign resources in their current format are free to access and use, or they can be adapted to suit your messaging and locality. Contact info@drymester.org.uk for more information.

We’re Excited to Be Launching a New Initiative to Workplaces

This month, we’re proud to be launching a new initiative to workplaces across Greater Manchester, to help lead the way in supporting healthy pregnancies.

Our award winning #DRYMESTER campaign, commissioned by Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership, will be extended to workplaces to raise awareness of the impacts of drinking alcohol during pregnancy, specifically Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), and give businesses the guidance and tools they need to help support parents-to-be.

FASD is a condition with lifelong cognitive, emotional, behavioural and physical challenges. Recent prevalence research shows that FASD may affect up to 3.6% of children in Greater Manchester – that’s the equivalent of 1,238 children born each year.

There are many mixed messages relating to the risks of alcohol use in pregnancy, so this new phase of the #DRYMESTER campaign encourages workplaces to start the conversation, whether it’s with employees, customers, family or friends, and spread the word. The Chief Medical Officers’ guidance is that if you’re pregnant or planning to become pregnant, the safest approach is not to drink alcohol at all to keep risks to your baby to a minimum.

We’ve produced a range of downloadable resources to help introduce the #DRYMESTER conversation to workplaces, including posters, intranet and social graphics, a conversation guide and even a prepared learning session for employees. These are completely funded, so come at no cost to businesses.

With 41% of pregnancies in the UK alcohol-exposed, we’re asking for the help of Manchester businesses to reduce the likelihood of cases of FASD, by adding healthy pregnancies to their agenda. Whether that’s holding a #DRYMESTER lunch and learn session in the office, or simply posting a couple of social assets, it all helps us get one step closer to reducing the likelihood of children being born with the condition – awareness is the greatest agent for change.

For more information and to download the resources for use in your workplace, click here.

It’s time for change — it’s time to talk #DRYMESTER.


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